Stress has got a lot of bad press in recent years. So much so that whenever I ask a client what comes to mind when they think of stress, I invariably hear comments like; “It’s bad for you”, “Stress can make you sick”, “Stress can kill!” It’s hardly surprising that […]
What is Low Self-esteem?
Do you have someone in your life who doesn’t seem to think very highly of themself? Do you struggle to hold yourself in high regard? Always putting yourself down, blaming yourself and focussing on your weaknesses?It may well be that low self-esteem is the issue. Low self-esteem is when a […]
The Definition of Happiness
Have you ever chased a rainbow? I have. The first time I saw the glimmering end of a rainbow, I scooped up my spade from the sandpit as I darted past and then scurried through the gate at the back of the yard and into the park where I saw […]
Life: Your Greatest Feat of Endurance
I’m training to run an endurance race and as I take this journey, I can’t help but think about our greatest endurance event of all – Life. Each of us journeys our own unique path in life. Some journeys are short, others long. Some easy and others so difficult we […]
What that Anger Might Be Telling You
Strong emotions such as anger and anxiety can be an indicator of underlying unresolved issues. This is what Jane and John discovered when they found themselves struggling in their relationship. When high stress from a demanding job resulted in John becoming emotionally unavailable in his marriage, Jane noticed feelings of […]
The Value of Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Your comfort zone is just that – comfortable. A place your brain has defined as known, measurable and safe. The brain likes familiar. It likes to operate its autopilot mode and fulfil as many tasks as it can with as much ease as possible. But the autopilot can be a […]
When Thoughts Hurt
Painful thoughts – none of us are immune. They pop into our head and go round and round like a bunch of chattering monkeys on a merry go round at the fair. It’s well and good when the thoughts are enjoyable and helpful but what if they’re not? Everybody […]
Painful Emotions
To live a full human life is to experience the full range of human emotions. Somewhere along the way though we got the idea that only “good” and “positive” emotions are acceptable to feel. When difficult and painful emotions surface, we often suppress them – bottling them up or putting […]
What are thoughts?
We all have them. We notice them flowing through our minds. We share them with others. Some are pleasant and some are not. They help to shape our view of the world and others. So how do we put our finger on just what a thought is? Thoughts can be […]
Great Self Coaching
Critic or Coach. Which one are you listening to? It is easy to distinguish between the two – one leads you towards the life you want and the other leads you away from it. The critic will tell you: “I always stuff up”; “Nobody loves me”; “I’m worthless/stupid/useless/a failure”; “I’m […]